Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Negative Effects of Extending the School Year - 539 Words

How would you feel sitting for 8 hours a day twelve months a year having to information bombarded to you? The two months of summer break that we students currently have are probably one the most valued and anticipated for every teenager. They see themselves relaxing, going on vacations, visiting family, and creating great memories during those two months of freedom. Regrettably this prospect may no longer be available, since the local school board proposes to change the school year from ten months to year round. They seem persistent on extending the school year with the argument of expanding educational opportunities. Contrary to what many think extending the school year will bring about a myriad of problems not just for the students but to the community. Chiefly it drastically effect the economy, there will be no real educational impact, and lastly it interfere with any and all plans that student have for their precious summer vacation. Increasing the school year could have significant lasting economic effects. Logically thinking most families go on extended vacations during summer break and stay at hotels or resorts. According to Fox News In the town of Wildwood about 7 million tourists inundate the beaches from June to September and spend around 555 million dollars oh hotels, foods and entertainment. Nevertheless if school was extended during this time kids would have to say in school witch would hurt our already poor economy. Not only would it affect business but if itShow MoreRelatedNew Jersey Proposed Pilot Program to Extending School Days and Hours: A Progressive Idea or Exhausting 1248 Words   |  5 Pageseducation administrators, and teachers. After many years of budget cuts and restructuring, he is facing new criticism with his new proposal to increase the school day and year. 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